Fans Mask Up

A COVID-19 Awareness and Advocacy Organization


We are a grassroots volunteer organization dedicated to raising awareness about the harm COVID-19 and other airborne illnesses are causing among performers and creators and in our fandom communities.We organize advocacy campaigns and community actions around mask-wearing and improving ventilation and filtration in shared spaces to make them more accessible, inclusive, and safe.We have members in the performing arts, but are not affiliated with actors from named campaigns.


COVID-19 can end the careers and lives of the performers we love.It isn't a cold; it’s a serious vascular disease that attacks the entire body’s systems and organs.1 Long COVID is a debilitating condition with a wide range of symptoms, including cardiac and pulmonary problems, immune deficiency, ME/CFS and cognitive dysfunction.2The chance of developing Long COVID increased with each infection; the risk is 14.6% with first infection and that risk rises to 38% by the third infection.3 At least 65 million individuals worldwide are estimated to have long COVID, with cases increasing daily.4The societal and economic impact of Long COVID may be one of modern society’s major challenges in the years to come.5COVID is already taking a heavy toll on performers. We explain the harm in this article:

And we document the performers who have been affected (continually updated as new information becomes available):

While our awareness-raising centers highly visible public figures, ultimately our goal is to protect everyone: from our favorite performers to our fellow fans to our friends and families and communities.With the right information and tools like high-quality masks, increased ventilation and air filtration, we can dramatically reduce the spread of COVID and create safer public spaces for everyone, including the most vulnerable members of our society.Through collective action we can exert pressure on our leaders to implement evidence-based policy solutions to end this crisis.